Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Super 8 is "MINT"

To say I liked this film would be very correct! It kept me captivated from beginning to end! 

With this film JJ Abrams remains as high as he has ever been in my opinion. In fact with this effort he has risen. Star Trek, Cloverfield, Mission Impossible 3 and any others are all films that I have enjoyed greatly. Super 8 however is in my humble opinion...the best. 

It very much takes a leaf out of Cloverfield (Big mysterious monster we don't see for ages). Considering I loved Cloverfield, that's fine with me. If you could stomach the way it was shot your enjoyment of Cloverfield was probably increased due to the fact that you didn't see the monster. A fear of the unknown. Same tactic in Super 8, there's something out there...BUT WHAT!!?

What made it great in my mind though, was the parcel in which the monster was delivered! That the main characters were a group of school friends trying to shoot a movie. The acting was "mint"! The Characters had depth and identity, their own background and past making them unique to themselves, but a unit as a group of friends. For young actors I think they did remarkably well. The very fact that they were young meant that you felt their peril so much more. If the characters had been adults there would be the sense that most of them were all monster fodder! As they were children, whenever  they were in danger you were seriously worried something would happen to them, any of them.

The monster itself was done really well in that we didn't see it at all for a great portion of the film. The film was surprisingly jumpy and it was good fun not knowing when something was going to happen. When we do see the monster and find out a little bit about it, it's always going to be a tad anti climactic, that fear of the unknown is gone. Despite this it was an interesting monster and I feel the ending supported the rest of the film as best it could.

Was a great watch, go and see it asap if you haven't. I reckon 80/100!! IT. WAS. MINT!


  1. I definitely need to see this at some point. Agree that it often seems an anti-climax when you see the monsters in a film - that's where M. Night Shyamalan's "Signs" fell down for me.

  2. Its so true! was a good film until then! The bit where you saw the silhouette of something on the roof was mint...because you couldn't see what it was.
